I just returned from my local branch library. How I love libraries. Takes me back to my childhood when we couldn't afford to buy books so I spent as much time as I could at the school library. Today there is so much more that libraries offer. The technology is just amazing. For instance, I find it absolutely marvelous that I can sit at my desk in my own home and search for a book at my library online. I reserve it and then pick it up the next day. How cool is that?
I am in the middle of doing some research for a middle-grade story. I found exactly what I was looking for at the library. During these economic times, the libraries are overflowing with people reading, checking out books, doing research, or sitting in front of PC screens. It's a bustling place but quiet and reserved as well. If you haven't taken advantage of your library lately, please do. It's a whole new world out there.